Helping you to live well
The Living Well service empowers people living with an advanced or terminal illness and their families and carers, to adapt to their lives, with dignity, and provides an acute support system to help them anticipate and cope with changes resulting from deteriorating health.
Our clinical nurse specialists and doctors may be the first point of contact that you have with us, which may be by phone, video or face-to-face visit.
The Living Well team is made up of specialist palliative care professionals including doctors, nurses and health care assistants, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, complementary therapists, psychologists, counsellors, patient & family advisors, dietitians and chaplains, who together provide a range of medical and therapeutic services to promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. It is about what matters to the patient, and their carers and families, working towards goals and supporting the development of skills, knowledge and confidence, so people can live as fully as possible until they die.
We support patients at the Beacon Centre in Guildford, where we offer outpatient appointments and support groups. These relaxed and friendly groups run over several weeks and cover a range of topics. We will monitor progress with each patient and, once the therapeutic outcomes have been achieved, they may be discharged from the Living Well service. However, if things change, we are here for them to turn to again. Our Living Well services are all offered free of charge to you and your family and carers.
We work in partnership with our colleagues inside Phyllis Tuckwell, and our NHS partners outside, to ensure that patients can access the support they need, knowing it is joined up with other aspects of their lives and care. Our Living Well service works in harmony with our In-Patient Unit and Hospice at Home services.
We recognise that it is important to support carers and families too. Some activities are for patients and carers to attend together, and others are for carers only.
Phyllis Tuckwell then continue to support families into bereavement.