Thank you for considering volunteering at Phyllis Tuckwell
Our current vacancies can be found at the links below, if you don't find a role suitable for you, do please still get in touch, so we can hear about your interests.
Why should I volunteer?
Did you know?
We have over 500 volunteers.
You can volunteer for as little as two hours a week.
You can volunteer from the age of 14 in our shops, or 16 on our In-Patient Unit or Beacon Centre. We have no upper age limit.
You can volunteer in the evening or at weekends, as well as during the week.
We have a huge variety of roles, ranging from volunteer doctors to gardeners.
"We are very grateful to each and every one of you for the time, help, skills and support you bring with you; Phyllis Tuckwell simply wouldn't be the same with you." Julia Morpeth, Reception and Voluntary Services Manager.
"It provides a bit of sanity; it helps you to see that what you’re going through is entirely normal and to be expected."