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Phyllis Tuckwell - Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

All of our staff and volunteers are involved in the pastoral care of our patients, relatives and carers, but there is also a dedicated team of staff and volunteers, led by Jill Thornton, whose specific role it is to support our pastoral care ethos.

Phyllis Tuckwell - Pastoral Care

For all faiths, or none

The team is there to listen and talk with you about any matters which are important to you. They offer emotional, social and spiritual support, and are there for you no matter what your spiritual beliefs, supporting those of all faiths or none. Spiritual care recognises and responds to the needs of the human spirit, in whatever situation a person finds themselves. It can include supporting people as they explore their sense of meaning and purpose in life, evaluate their self-worth, or explore how to express themselves. Spiritual care can include faith support - such as talking about someone's beliefs, helping them to make contact with a local faith community, creating a meaningful ritual, participating in a sacrament, or having a prayer said with them or for them. It can also simply mean being a sensitive listener.

Phyllis Tuckwell - Pastoral Care

Our team includes staff, volunteers, chaplains and pastoral care companions. We also have close links and contact details for those of other faiths, including the Humanist Society, and can liaise with them as required if you would like to arrange to meet with them. We also offer communion, anointing, baptism, blessings and marriage ceremonies, and can advise and assist with funeral planning.

We can visit patients and families at home, through our Living Well service, and also spend time with those who are staying on our In-Patient Unit.

Our chaplains provide pastoral and religious support to patients, relatives and staff.

For more information on our pastoral care and chaplaincy support, please contact our Patient & Family Support team on 01252 729430 or email 

Phyllis Tuckwell - Pastoral Care

Meet Jill, our Lead Chaplain

I was ordained by the United Reformed Church in 2001 and have worked as a Christian minister in a wide range of roles for the church since then. I am also a member of the Association of Hospice and Palliative Care Chaplains (AHPCC) executive committee and am on the UK Board of Healthcare Chaplaincy (UKBHC) register. It is my vision and aspiration that as a team we offer pastoral care or chaplaincy support to everyone equally, irrespective of their beliefs, race, culture, gender or sexual orientation.

"I can’t thank Jill and the Phyllis Tuckwell team enough for giving us that moment for Dad to be able to share and be a part of with us. We couldn’t have done it without Jill’s help and input."

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Please help us

All our services are free, but this is only possible due to the generosity of our amazing community. The Government/NHS only provide 25% of our costs, so we need to raise over £25,000 every day to provide our vital services.

Please donate what you can to help keep hospice care available to all those in our community who need us.

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