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Clinical nurse specialist at desk

Patient advice

Referrals to our service are made by your GP or other healthcare professional, but our Advice & Referral Team are pleased to offer telephone advice on palliative or end of life care.

Need specialist advice?

If you, or someone you love, wants advice about whether our services would be suitable for your situation, please do get in touch.

Available 7 days a week, from 8am - 6pm. Out of hours, calls will be transferred to our In-Patient Unit, who will assist.

Phone: 01252 729440


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Please help us

All our services are free, but this is only possible due to the generosity of our amazing community. The Government/NHS only provide 25% of our costs, so we need to raise over £25,000 every day to provide our vital services.

Please donate what you can to help keep hospice care available to all those in our community who need us.

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