COVID-19 Update

Last Updated 4th May 2023

Visitors are no longer required to show a negative Lateral Flow Test before entering the Hospice/Beacon Centre.

Phyllis Tuckwell Virtual Tour

Take our virtual tour to find out how we adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic here at Phyllis Tuckwell. The tour is conducted by our new Chief Executive, Sarah Church, who joined in March 2020.

We visit various departments around the Hospice in Farnham to discover how our services have changed to work most effectively in what were trying and unknown times.

Guidance on attending or visiting our sites 

Based on current Government guidance, please do not visit our sites if you:

  • have a high temperature
  • have a new persistent cough
  • or anyone in your household is displaying these symptoms

Whilst the risk to individuals remains low, we take the wellbeing of those using or working across our service seriously and appreciate your support in following the guidance above.

Changes to visiting arrangements:

Due to Coronavirus restrictions lifting, our visiting hours have now been relaxed to allow visitors at any time.

Lateral Flow Tests are no longer required. We will keep this under regular review. Thank you for your understanding.

PETS We welcome pets to visit patients, however this must be pre-arranged with the In-Patient Unit team.

COVID-19 PATIENTS ON THE IPU – As a natural step in this pandemic, we could receive end of life patients who are either Covid-19 positive, or displaying Covid-19 symptoms.

Living Well groups have restarted following the UK Coronavirus situation. We will be contacting existing patients to discuss their needs, however if your health deteriorates and you need our support, please contact our Advice & Referral Team for advice: 01252 729440.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Phyllis Tuckwell on 01252 729400 and ask to speak to a member of the Senior Management Team.

Our shops

Following guidance from the Government, our shops are now open. Click here to see details of shops. Please note that in order to help our staff fulfill the necessary requirements, when we are open, we may be operating on reduced opening hours. Please do not leave any donations outside any of our shops or Donation Centre.


As we return to some normality, our events are now restarting. If you are able to make a donation, we would be very grateful – please visit

Hand washing is the single most effective thing that everyone can do to limit the spread of infection. The advice from NHS England is that you should wash your hands for the amount of time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice (around 20 seconds).