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Illustration of new Hospice

Community rallies to support fundraising launch for new Hospice

Local hospice care charity Phyllis Tuckwell hopes to raise sufficient funds to build a new Hospice to ensure more local people receive the palliative care they need at end of life.

Illustration of new hospice

The new Hospice will care for as many as one in three local people at the end of their lives.


This project to build an urgently required new Hospice has been long in the planning and Phyllis Tuckwell recently launched a public appeal to raise the remaining £3 million needed to build it.

Last weekend hundreds of local residents responded enthusiastically to the charity’s plea for help. And collectively raised £380,000 through an exciting - 36-hour crowdfunding event to launch the appeal.

If hundreds of local residents can support this appeal, and everyone contributes a little, Phyllis Tuckwell can build this urgently needed Hospice for our community.” said Claire McDonald, Phyllis Tuckwell Fundraiser.

Over the last 45 years Phyllis Tuckwell has cared for tens of thousands of people in our community, supporting them through illnesses such as cancer, and helping them to have the most peaceful, pain free and dignified deaths possible.  Many people whom the charity has cared for, supported this appeal, often in memory of a loved one. Yet this extraordinary appeal also promoted support from people such as local resident Nina, who want this healthcare facility built, for her and her loved ones, should they ever need it. Nina said “I’m hoping I never need to use your services, but I’ll be glad you’re there if ever I do”.

People like Lee Moran, who runs ‘Farnham Rants’, were also prompted to help and engaged their  online community groups to make donations.

He said: “This wonderful charity supported me and my family through tough times. I’d love to think that by coming together our online community can be a force for good, and help build the new Hospice

The new state-of-the-art Hospice, with its rehabilitation and therapy suites and specialist 18-bedded In-Patient Unit, will house hundreds of palliative care professionals – including doctors, nurses and specialist clinicians. Located in Farnham, it will replace the old Hospice, which was sadly no longer fit for purpose, nor able to cater for the extraordinary demand for additional palliative care in the area.

From the new, larger Hospice the charity will provide exceptional end of life care to local people, serving a community of over 550,000 residents across West Surrey and North East Hants.

Their specialists will provide this care in the Hospice and in people’s homes, where the majority of people wish to spend their final days.

Sarah Church, Chief Executive of Phyllis Tuckwell, said: “As a result, thousands more local people, just like you and your loves ones, will receive the end-of-life care you will need and deserve.

The appeal will be seen a lot over the coming months and is centred around the theme “It’s not our Hospice – it's YOURS. Because it’s for you, and everyone in the local area.

Phyllis Tuckwell is not receiving any government or NHS funding to build the Hospice, which is why they need YOUR help to raise sufficient funds to make it happen.

If you would like to make a donation please visit  or call Phyllis Tuckwell on 01252 729446

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Please help us

All our services are free, but this is only possible due to the generosity of our amazing community. The Government/NHS only provide 25% of our costs, so we need to raise over £25,000 every day to provide our vital services.

Please donate what you can to help keep hospice care available to all those in our community who need us.

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