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Phyllis Tuckwell - The Fox Trail Half Marathon*

The Fox Trail Half Marathon*

25 May 2024

The Fox Trail Half Marathon

The Half Marathon route begins in West Clandon and follows the final 21km section of the route to our Godalming finish.

The Half Marathon events set off later in the morning and follow shorter sections of this picturesque, mixed-terrain route so that all runners unite at the same finish line in Godalming.

If you are up for a harder challenge, there is the Marathon and the Ultra Marathon! For more information about all of these runs, click the link here: The Fox Trail

Sign-up for the Fox Trail Half Marathon on Saturday 25th May 2024 and raise important funds for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care.

Contact our dedicated fundraising team at Phyllis Tuckwell and raise sponsorship as you take on this challenge to support our local hospice care. To get your sponsorship pack and support from one of the team call 01252 729446 or email

*This event is organised by a third party.

The Fox is a stunning circular route around the Guildford countryside.



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