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Phyllis Tuckwell - Take on a challenge

Take on a challenge

Phyllis Tuckwell - Take on a challenge

You and your pals or colleagues might like to consider taking on a physical challenge or hosting a social event to raise funds for us.

We can happily provide you with ideas, and a range of support materials to help you have the best time, whilst raising loads of much needed money. 

Contact Ruth Masters or Fiona Chapman by emailing or by calling 01252 729446.

"The nice thing is that I’m the patient, but Phyllis Tuckwell has taken Geoff into the fold as well."

Val and Geoff
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Upcoming events

Nunc diam! Fugit magni, eaque sollicitudin rhoncus! Quibusdam. Facilisis sagittis repellat vestibulum, eius natoque? Ligula.